ayurveda - yoga - fasting - vacation

Fabienne and Tobias

Fabienne, born 1981

Yoga teacher (Hatha, Ashtanga-Vinyasa)


sports scientist

Fitness- and Aerobic trainer

sistemic consultant

Tao Tantric Arts teacher

Reiki - energy work

body worker

Tobias, born 1976

Yoga teacher (Hatha, Ashtanga-Vinyasa)


sports scientist

body worker

mens coach

mountain and hiking lover

More about Fabienne:

"For more than 20 years I have been passionately accompanying people in seminars, team training, coaching and in sports and exercise courses.
By spring 2021 I set up and operated the Encántala seminar and retreat center on the neighboring island of La Palma. At my own place, my focus was on the seminar and body work around "Healing Touch". The powerful energy of the Canary Islands and the wonderful views over the wide sea have become a new home for me. I love year-round gardening just as much as the permanent color of the flowers.
My training in Yoga and Ayurveda in India has completed my life and my repertoire. I live and love the practices and routines of Yoga and Ayurveda. With full conviction, I practice this every day for my own health, relaxation and vitality. I am happy to pass on my knowledge and experience.
I look forward to enriching you with my enthusiasm and my gentle yet focused manner in our little paradise."

More about Tobias:

"I started practicing yoga and meditation about 15 years ago. As a trained sports scientist and experienced medical training therapist, the 8-part path of the old Yogi Patanjali has significantly enriched and expanded my life. Away from the purely intellectually guided sciences, which continue to form the solid basis for my therapeutic work, towards a holistic approach to life and treatment.
Ayurveda and especially therapeutic fasting have been with me for many years. It started with a strong personal interest in living healthy. When I was "only" 29 years old, I did my first fasting cure and was amazed at how much it can cleanse the body and, above all, the mind. As a preventive measure, as a result of this first cure, I repeatedly carried out fasting and Ayurveda cures myself. My self-experiences, in combination with the training (most recently for three months in Kerala/India), form a complex and well-founded basis for accompanying people in their cures.
In addition, I really enjoy accompanying people on their personal growth path. On my personal "spiritual path" I started to fill my "tool box" early on. The list of training courses and seminars would be too long at this point, but now I feel ready to apply everything I have learned in all its diversity. This will then find expression in the seminars offered by me or both of us.
In addition to all the treatment and therapy approaches here at the clinic and in the practice, I enjoy working in our large garden paradise and in the kitchen. I am passionate about cooking, good and healthy. I am currently in the process of deepening my knowledge of Ayurvedic cuisine, especially with regard to constitutional and dosha-friendly dishes.
I look forward to every single guest or seminar participant. Our place here offers wonderful opportunities to dive deeper, to unwind or to take a left turn in life when nothing is right or right anymore.

A sign on our pool level says it even better:
"When nothing goes right, go left!"

With this in mind, "Welcome to our casita!"

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We look forward to making you an individual offer.

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